COD2gen - Random map generator for Call of Duty 2

This program generates randomized maps for the WWII PC game Call of Duty 2 (CoD2).

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"prag" (CoD4Gen) released

Hey, all! Good news for CoD4 players, I've released "prag" for anybody to download. See my other blog to get it:

This time I waited until I had a simple GUI front-end before releasing it. Another feature of interest for mappers/modders is that it can be used to generate terrains and skyboxes (and nothing else). For people that want a full map with roads, buildings, and random entities, it can do that also.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

prag = cod4gen

So, I've begun work on a tool to create maps for Call of Duty 4. Check it out on the blog I've just set up for it: prag - procedural random arena generator. I'm focusing on Cod4 for now, but hope to be able to use the same code for future games.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

COD4 Is Out

So, goodbye COD2. Hello, COD4! I'm starting from scratch on a COD4Gen program -- not that I can make too much progress, though, since the modding tools are not yet available. For now I'm making it output COD2 maps and just looking at them in Radiant.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

New Version 0.99

After quite some time off, here is an updated version: cod2gen 0.99
Notable changes in this version:

  • Made 3rd story towers on buildings be supported by 4 legs instead of solid walls. This makes climbing the ladder to the top more dangerous, and improves visibility across a map with a lot of towers
  • Made the default configuration xml file consist of only the "building" region type. This should be more playable than the old default file, which was more to show you what all the different types are.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Some XML files and future plans

As you can tell, I haven't been doing much lately with COD2Gen. We still use it to generate a new map to play every day where I work, but most of what we want can be accommodated by tweaking the xml files instead of messing with the program itself.

Here are two xml files that seem to produce fairly playable maps:
I've been thinking lately about making a whole new generator program. I'd start from scratch, and would do some things differently:

A "holistic" approach to planning the map:
  1. Decide where roads / unencumbered paths should go
  2. Fill in the areas between between paths with different things based on their size and shape
  3. Pick good locations for headquarters (instead of purely random) and flags (instead of always in the exact same spots)
Use an extensible library of prefabs to allow for more "polished" and interesting levels.

Get rid of the wavy terrain and settle for maps that are basically flat. From a technical point of view the wavy terrain was very cool, but it really tied my hands so that I couldn't use prefabs because they might have had ugly effects like the terrain jutting up through their floors. And after a LOT of play-testing :) it doesn't seem like the hilly terrain added as much to gameplay as I'd hoped. Roadways might still be hilly, but the areas between paths would be flat so we could stick anything on them with a flat bottom. We could also still have hilly tree and rock areas, but these have turned out to be less fun to play than the more urban settings.

I don't know if I'll do this for COD2 or wait for the rumored PC COD4. If anybody has thoughts, feel free to leave comments.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

New version after a little break

So after a little break, I've released version 0.98 . Here are the new features:
  • Made the teams that are used based on the config file
  • Supported game types are configureable
  • Also added windows to buildings.
  • Included a "russia.xml" config file to show some different options.
Here's a picture of a map generated with the new Russian motif:

Monday, July 31, 2006

GUI for COD2gen

The new version has a graphical user interface, made by Marcp22, that makes using the program much easier. This replaces my lame .bat file that was released in an earlier version.